

The main web-server for geneweb. It depends on wserver, a library defined in bin/.

Usage: gwd [options] where options are:
  -a <ADDRESS>           Select a specific address (default = any address of this computer).
  -add_lexicon <FILE>    Add file as lexicon.
  -allowed_tags <FILE>   HTML tags which are allowed to be displayed. One tag per line in file.
  -auth <FILE>           Authorization file to restrict access. The file must hold lines of the form "user:password".
  -bd <DIR>              Directory where the databases are installed.
  -blang                 Select the user browser language if any.
  -cache_langs           Lexicon languages to be cached.
  -cgi                   Force CGI mode.
  -conn_tmout <SEC>      Connection timeout (default 120s; 0 means no limit).
  -daemon                Unix daemon mode.
  -debug                 Enable debug mode
  -digest                Use Digest authorization scheme (more secure on passwords)
  -friend <PASSWD>       Set a friend password.
  -hd <DIR>              Directory where the directory lang is installed.
  -images_dir <DIR>      Same than previous but directory name relative to current.
  -images_url <URL>      URL for GeneWeb images (default: gwd send them).
  -lang <LANG>           Set a default language (default: fr).
  -log <FILE>            Log trace to this file. Use "-" or "<stdout>" to redirect output to stdout or "<stderr>" to output log to stderr.
  -log_level <N>         Send messages with severity <= <N> to syslog (default: 7).
  -login_tmout <SEC>     Login timeout for entries with passwords in CGI mode (default 1800s).
  -max_clients <NUM>     Max number of clients treated at the same time (default: no limit) (not cgi).
  -min_disp_req          Minimum number of requests in robot trace (default: 6).
  -no_host_address       Force no reverse host by address.
  -nolock                Do not lock files before writing.
  -only <ADDRESS>        Only inet address accepted.
  -p <NUMBER>            Select a port number (default = 2317).
  -plugin <PLUGIN>.cmxs  load a safe plugin. Combine with -force to enable for every base. Combine with -unsafe to allow unverified plugins. e.g. "-plugin -unsafe -force".
  -plugins <DIR>         load all plugins in <DIR>. Combine with -force to enable for every base. Combine with -unsafe to allow unverified plugins. e.g. "-plugins -unsafe -force".
  -redirect <ADDR>       Send a message to say that this service has been redirected to <ADDR>.
  -robot_xcl <CNT>,<SEC> Exclude connections when more than <CNT> requests in <SEC> seconds.
  -setup_link            Display a link to local gwsetup in bottom of pages.
  -trace_failed_passwd   Print the failed passwords in log (except if option -digest is set).
  -wd <DIR>              Directory for socket communication (Windows) and access count.
  -wizard <PASSWD>       Set a wizard password.
  -wjf                   Wizard just friend (permanently).

It is build from eight files:,, (these three files define geneweb.gwd_lib),,,,, and

GwdLog module

Util functions for logging errors & infos.

GwdPlugin module

Module used for registering plug-ins to Gwd.

Request module

The main interface between the GeneWeb core and the rest of the world.

GedPluginDep module

Calculates the load order of the different plugins.

GwdPluginMD5 module

Checks the plugins .cmxs files and assets did not change since compilation. This module is written by After the plug-ins have been compiled, lists them in a pattern matching with their MD5 hash.

GwdPluginMETA module

Handles the metadata of a plug-in: its version, its mainteners’ list and its dependencies. Metadata is optional, and may contain the dependencies of the plugin (separated by a comma), its maintainers (separated by a comma) and its version.

Robot module

Handles the connection of robots to the server.

Gwd module

The executable


Gwd displays different web pages and perform different actions given a mode. This mode is given as a GET argument with the key m.

Here is a quick documentation of each mode.

  • No mode: displays the default page depending on other arguments. It can be the index page (no base selected), a welcome page (only a base has been selected) or a person page (a base and a person has been selected).

  • Mode “A”: displays the ascendants of the selected person (selection key is i).

  • Mode “ADD_FAM”: displays the form for adding families.

  • Mode “ADD_FAM_OK”: requests to add a new family.

  • Mode “ADD_IND”: displays a form for adding a new person

  • Mode “ADD_IND_OK”: requests to add a new person.

  • Mode “ADD_PAR”: associate parents to a person (person identifier must be set with key ip)

  • Mode “ADD_PAR_OK” : requests to add new parents.

  • Mode “ANM” : displays the menu of anniversaries modification

  • Mode “AN” : displays anniversaries ; with the v key for months, displays the anniversaries of thay month (v=1 -> January, …)

  • Mode “AD”: displays death anniversaries ; with the v key for months, displays the anniversaries of thay month (v=1 -> January, …)

  • Mode “AM”: displays marriage anniversaries ; with the v key for months, displays the anniversaries of thay month (v=1 -> January, …)

  • Mode “AS_OK”: displays the results of an advanced search

  • Mode “C”: displays the cousins menu

  • Mode “CAL”: displays the calendars; if no key set, it will use today’s date.

  • Mode “CHG_CHN”: displays the form for changing children names of a person

  • Mode “CHG_CHN_OK”: requests to change the children names a new person.

  • Mode “CHG_EVT_IND_ORD”: displays the form for changing the order of events for a person

  • Mode “CHG_EVT_IND_ORD_OK”: requests to change the evenement order of a person.

  • Mode “CHG_EVT_FAM_ORD”: displays the form for changing the order of events for a family

  • Mode “CHG_EVT_FAM_ORD_OK”: requests to change the evenement order of a family.

  • Mode “CHG_FAM_ORD”: displays a menu to change the family order

  • Mode “CHG_FAM_ORD_OK”: requests the family order change

  • Mode “CONN_WIZ”: displays the connected wizards (the base admins)

  • Mode “D”: displays the descendants of the selected person (selection key is i).

  • Mode “DAG”: displays a relationship graph.

  • Mode “DEL_FAM”: displays a page for validating the deletion of the family in argument (key is i).

  • Mode “DEL_FAM_OK”: requests to remove a family.

  • Mode “DEL_IND”: displays a page for validating the deletion of the person in argument (key is i).

  • Mode “DEL_IND_OK”: requests to remove a person.

  • Mode “F”: displays the family tree.

  • Mode “H”: displays the file fname.txt where fname is register with the key v and the file being in hd/etc (hd is the dir specified by option -hd).

  • Mode “HIST”: displays an history of updates.

  • Mode “HIST_CLEAN”: displays the history list associated to the history file in argument (key is f).

  • Mode “HIST_CLEAN_OK”: requests to clean the history associated to the history file in argument

  • Mode “HIST_DIFF”: displays the page that allows to select (with variable t = "SUM") and to view (with variable t = "DIFF") the difference between all revisions of history file of concerned person in variable f. Intepretate the template file updhist_diff.txt

  • Mode “HIST_SEARCH”: same as “HIST”, but with a default search

  • Mode “IM”: displays the image whose name is in argument (key is s)

  • Mode “IMH”: same than “IM”, but returns HTML

  • Mode “INV_FAM”: displays a menu for inverting the order of two families (where a family is given by the f key and the individual is given by the i key).

  • Mode “INV_FAM_OK”: requests to reverse the families.

  • Mode “KILL_ANC”: Undocumented feature; kill someone’s ancestors.

  • Mode “LB”: lists the last births.

  • Mode “LD”: lists the last deaths.

  • Mode “LINKED”: displays links to pages assocaited to an individual.

  • Mode “LL”: lists the persons who lived the longest.

  • Mode “LM”: lists the last marriages.

  • Mode “MISC_NOTES”: displays a menu to search in notes.

  • Mode “MISC_NOTES_SEARCH”: same as “MISC_NOTES”, but with a search argument (key is s)

  • Mode “MOD_DATA”: displays a menu for updating GeneWeb’s dictionary of names, last names, locations, sources and professions.

  • Mode “MOD_DATA_OK”: requests a data modification.

  • Mode “MOD_FAM”: displays a form for updating a family (key is i).

  • Mode “MOD_FAM_OK”: requests a family modification.

  • Mode “MOD_IND”: displays a form for updating a person (key is i).

  • Mode “MOD_IND_OK”: requests a person modification.

  • Mode “MOD_NOTES”: displays a text form for writing notes.

  • Mode “MOD_NOTES_OK”: requests a note update.

  • Mode “MOD_WIZNOTES”: displays the HTML page for editing wizard notes. Fails if wizard authentification is incorrect or if current user cannot edit.

  • Mode “MOD_WIZNOTES_OK”: requests the wizard note modification.

  • Mode “MRG”: displays a menu for merging two persons (key for persons is i).

  • Mode “MRG_DUP”: displays a menu for merging possible duplications of persons (key for persons is ip).

  • Mode “MRG_DUP_IND_Y_N”: either displays the merge dupliate menu if answer_y is not a key of the request, or a form for merging two person (whose keys are i and i2).

  • Mod “MRG_DUP_FAM_Y_N”: same than “MRG_DUP_IND_Y_N”, but for families.

  • Mode “MRG_FAM”: displays a menu for merging families (family keys are i and i2). Couples must be identical (modulo reversion).

  • Mode “MRG_FAM_OK”: requests the family merge

  • Mode “MRG_MOD_FAM_OK”: requests the family modification and merge

  • Mode “MRG_IND”: displays a form for merging two persons

  • Mode “MRG_IND_OK”: requests a merge of two persons

  • Mode “MRG_MOD_IND_OK”: requests a merge & modification of two persons

  • Mode “N”: lists all the surnames; if a surname is selected (key is v), displays the list of pages where this surname is used.

  • Mode “NG”: same than N, but expects a name with the key n

  • Mode “NOTES”: displays the notes

  • Mode “OA”: displays the list of the oldest persons that are still alive or, if unknown, whose death are not probable

  • Mode “OE”: same as “OA”, but for engaged couples

  • Mode “P”: lists all the first names; if a surname is selected (key is v), displays the list of pages where this name is used.

  • Mode “PQP_PYR”: displays a population pyramid (reachable from “STAT”)

  • Mode “PS”: displays all the persons associated to a given place (ma key for marriage, bi key for birth, bp key for baptism, de key for death and bu key for burial).

  • Mode “R”: displays the relationship details between two persons

  • Mode “REQUEST”: displays the current request

  • Mode “RL”: displays the relationship link between two persons

  • Mode “RLM”: displays relation ship details between multiple persons

  • Mode “S”: displays the results of a search (from, for example, the main page).

  • Mode “SRC”: displays the file in argument (key is v)

  • Mode “STAT”: displays several links for statistics: latest births, death, marriages, the oldest couples, persons that are alive and who lives the longest. There also is a population pyramid.

  • Mode “CHANGE_WIZ_VIS”: displays the connected wizards

  • Mode “TT”: displays the titles associated to persons

  • Mode “U”: displays the page associated to the template updmenu.txt

  • Mode “VIEW_WIZNOTES”: Prints the HTML page displaying wizard notes

  • Mode “WIZNOTES”: Same as VIEW_WIZNOTES, but fails if not authentificated

  • Mode “WIZNOTES_SEARCH”: Same as VIEW_WIZNOTES, but highlights HTML with the specified string searched (key is s).

Any other mode leads to an incorrect request page (Error 400).


Plus-ins are additional features that can be added to gwd. They can register two kind of services:

  • additional modes: with GwdPlugin.register, a plug-in can register new requests

  • additional computations: with GwdPlugin.register_se, a plug-in can register pre/post processors


Each base can be customized with a <BASENAME>.gwf file. A documented example is available on the etc directory at the root of the project. Plug-ins are activated for a base with the plugin=... directive in the configuration file.